What other industry calls someone a mythical being when they can do two things? In Tech you can do design and engineering!?! Let’s give you the title of a unicorn...
Multidisciplinary people should be as common as a horse.
— Natalya Shelburne - New Times, Designer Developer

Coverage Advisor

Acquisition tool - 2016

The Coverage Advisor is an online tool that helps people select their car insurance coverage by showing what clients with similar insurance profiles (age, gender, vehicle type, etc.) have chosen in the past.

Hats wore: Product designer, Product Owner

Impact: Increase conversion ratio by 2%

Winner: Boomerang Prize - Use of data

Home Quick Quote

Acquisition tool - 2017

The home insurance quote was redesigned from an average of 45 questions down to 15 questions.

Hats wore: Product designer & Product Owner

Impact: Reduce completion time from avg of 8m to under 2m. Increase quote completion by 15%.

Belairdirect mobile app

Minimum viable product wireframe - 2016

The app is an ecosystem of self-service, claims and telematics features. The first version of the app was designed as a pitch to stimulate the internal appetite for investment in mobile app development. As a result of several rounds of client concept validation, user testing session, and executive steering meetings, Intact Financial decided to build an engineer mobile team.

Hats wore: Product designer, UX strategist, Executive adviser

Impact: Intact Financial decided to start a mobile engineering practice

Accident Assist

Auto claims feature - 2015

A car accident is an emotional and confusing moment. Accident Assist is a tool that guides the driver, during this time, advising him on what information to collect, to not admit fault and what are the next steps to start a car claim process.

Hats wore: UX strategist & Product Designer

Impact: Defined the future state for Claims journey, at the moment of the accident



The presented work is a result of a group of talented people that I have been part of. I will happily grab a coffee with you and share more details about my work and contribution.

Company Cultural Branding