The following exercises are part of the A Learning Team Experience framework.

  1. Newspaper title

This exercise demands significant cognitive effort from participants. It's an excellent way to kick off a workshop, or start of the day of a series of workshop. This will help participants to get into a creative mindset.

Ask each participant to find a metaphor for their learning buddy with the prompt and write it down.

What will be the article's title if your learning buddy appears in the newspaper tomorrow? 

Give 2-3 minutes for everyone to find the metaphor. Ask the participant to share their analogy with the group once everyone has their analogy.

  • “The best running coach helps athlete win the gold medal”

    “Buddy talk and the aha moments”

    “The challenger and the good questions”

    “ GPS in the Maze of Knowledge”

    “Turning Study Sessions into Adventures”

    “The Wind Beneath Your Wings”

2. Find an image

The exercise is a medium cognitive effort as the participants must devise a metaphor and keywords to search for a corresponding image.

Ask each participant to go and reach online for an image representing their Study buddy relationship. Each participant will share with the group why they picked the image.

3. Metaphor Cards

The exercise is a medium cognitive effort as participants only have to choose an image that might already provide them with the elements and vocabulary to manifest their feelings.

Give the group a set of metaphor cards or random printed photos. Ask them to choose one that represents their learning buddy. Let each participant give the reason behind their pick.