The following script is part of the A Learning Team Experience framework.
Before their meeting with the facilitator, participants completed a Skill Toolkit. This required them to map out their perceived skill levels, highlight three skills targeted for improvement, and pinpoint three skills not currently deemed as priorities.
Utilizing the script provided, both the facilitator and participant will engage in a discussion about the skills' prioritization and selection. The facilitator's goal is to guide the participant in confirming their chosen skills for enhancement align with their short and long-term career growth.
General - Mapping Skill Levels questions
How was the exercise for you? Does anything stand out?
How did it feel to map your skill levels?
3 Learning Goals questions
What made you pick these three skills as your learning goals?
How did you go about selecting them?
What makes this skill essential to improve right now?
What does “skill name” mean to you?
3 Skill you don’t care for right now questions
What about the three skills of least interest right now? What was your selection process?
What makes them less important right now for you?
What does “skill name” mean to you?
“Going deeper” questions
Returning to your learning goals, how will this “skill name” help you in your growth or/and current mandate?
How will the three goals help you in the challenges you have right now?